Rowad Elbaher Company Business and Marine Service

Rowad Elbaher  Company  Business and  Marine Service is an environmental protection Company that was formed in 2013 with the objective to provide environmental assistance, support and expertise for the existing and new developments in Libya.  Since 2003, Rowad Elbaher Marine Service Company operated under the with Libyan Marine Science Associate, providing consulting services in the field of agriculture and environmental services. Based on years of operations, Rowad Company provides expertise in the following technical areas:

Environment protection studies

Marine Ecological studies

The pioneers of the sea of ​​business and marine services company With responsibility limited company incorporated under the provisions of the Libyan commercial law, Law No. 23 of 2010, some of the report on trade and commercial companies sentences and supervision and its implementing regulations, known as (Rowad Elbaher  Company  Business and  Marine Service

عن Daw Haddoud

اضف رد

لن يتم نشر البريد الإلكتروني . الحقول المطلوبة مشار لها بـ *


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